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Legislation to Action

In response to new legislation enacted in Illinois and New Jersey, YURI Education Project is offering services to schools seeking support integrating Asian American studies into their curriculum.

Services and Supports

Workshops and Institutes

We offer targeted professional learning for teachers on teaching Asian America and addressing the learning needs of this fast-growing racial demographic in the U.S. All participants receive ready-to-use materials and strategies for their classrooms.


We tailor in-service teacher development for school sites. We also conduct strategic planning with school leaders as they make strides towards enacting new curricular requirements.


We design new curriculum for teachers to use in their social studies and ELA classes. We also provide direction on using YURI's collections of easy-to-implement curriculum and rich, youth-friendly educational media.

From Policy to Practice

While Asian American Studies has existed as an academic field in higher education for more than 40 years, this field has been less emphasized in PK-12 curricula. With growing calls to include these narratives more expansively within classrooms across the U.S., YURI Education Project provides concrete teaching strategies and pedagogy on how to bring these untold stories into PK-12 classrooms. 

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Illustration by Vanessa Nguyen


Preview our foundational workshop for educators,Teaching Asian America.


Participants receive a rigorous grounding in the history and rationale of including Asian American studies in the curriculum. Breakout sessions are led by seasoned classroom educators with decades of PK-12 experience. Topics included Asian American children’s literature, young children’s worlds, cross-racial solidarity, and anti-Asian racism in history

Curriculum Writing Institute for Educators

  • Do you want to integrate Asian American history into your classrooms but don't feel confident in your knowledge of this subject?

  • Have you read about this topic but aren't sure how this fits in your curriculum?

  • Do you need time to think through Asian American Studies and get guidance on planning lessons with Asian American history in mind?


We’re excited to offer professional development to address these questions!

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Meet Our Team

We are former PK-12 classroom teachers turned researchers, teacher educators, and curriculum designers


Cathlin Goulding

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Cathlin Goulding co-directs the YURI Education Project. She is a former ELA teacher. Her research and practice focuses on place, pedagogy, and historical violence. She teaches preservice teachers at the City University of New York and San Jose State University.

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Freda Lin

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Freda Lin is the co-director of YURI Education Project. Being a student activist leader for Asian American Studies at Northwestern University led her to become a middle and high school history teacher. 

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Karishma Desai

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Karishma Desai is an Assistant Professor in the Education, Culture and Society Program at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Education. Karishma was a literacy and social studies teacher, literacy coach and school leader in New York City and Chicago.


Tran Templeton

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Tran Templeton is an Assistant Professor in Early Childhood Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and is a faculty co-director of The Rita Gold Early Childhood Center. Tran was a special education teacher, school director, and an early childhood teacher.

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