Mission US is a series of historical games developed by WNET / New York Public Media. The game covers eras like the American Revolution, the immigrant experiences in New York City, and the Great Depression, all from the perspective of a young person.
We were enlisted to help develop educational materials to accompany their newest game, Prisoner in My Homeland.
During an hour-long, narrative-driven game, players see the Japanese American incarceration through the eyes of teenager, Henry Tanaka. interact with a host of characters at Bainbridge Island and, later, the concentration camp at Manzanar. The game is premised on an immersive experience in the camp and players can freely navigate a limited number of buildings and spaces, given tasks to fill. The game uses primary sources and sensorial descriptions to give players a sense of the living conditions and varied experiences of prisoners.
Alongside the American Social History Project, we worked on the classroom activities for the Complete Classroom Guide to MISSION US' Prisoner in my Homeland. We created writing prompts, vocabulary exercises, and primary source-based activities. Please check out the complete guide here!